ReflectIng on Reading Habits

      Reading is an activity that can change from one person to another, and one of the key points to enjoy it is adapting it to your tastes.  This idea can be seen in the pictures.  People are reading different texts, for example, people in the library can choose from a variety of material, from comics to articles on a subject you are keen on, from books with lots of pages to short novels or tales.  If you like technology, you can read the issue you want on an ebook, as the person is doing in one of the pictures.  Another way of approaching this way of entertainment is using a newspaper or magazine about a topic you are interested in.  And moreover, in order to make children get into reading, you can find an appealing book for them and spend time reading together, like the mother and daughter we see in picture two.
     From my  viewpoint, another important aspect is the way you feel while reading, that is, to raise positive feeling so that you would like to repeat it again.  I think it is what we find in the pictures, people having a good time while reading.  They seem to be engaged.  In this sense, the picture of the classroom is important for me.  In the picture, the students are reading a book and they look concentrated and attentive.  This is what I would like to get in my class, this is one of my main aims, to make students interested in reading and besides, to make them realize the benefits you get from it.
     When a student tells me he does not like reading, I cannot understand him because this activity has been a hobby for me since I was a child.  My parents did not sit next to me like in the picture, but they did something more important, they read and had a lot of books in my house, so it was a normal activity at home.  I usually read novels and poetry, and when I was young, I borrowed lots of books from the library.  Now, I often buy it or I borrow it from a friend.  I don't usually read newspapers, like in the picture of a man in the street, but I identify myself with that man because I read anywhere, that is, in the street if I am waiting for someone, when I commute or at the doctor's.
     However, one thing I don't do is reading with an ebook.  I love books, I love touching them, and the older the book, the more I like it.  But I have to admit that I read articles with my mobile or ipad about different topics, both to entertain myself or to get informed.
    In relation to the language I choose, it depends.  I try to read novels in the original language, but I prefer reading poetry in Spanish since it is easier for me to understand all the meanings the poet tries to convey.  When I read for my job, I usually read in English.
     In conclusion, the most important thing I have achieved is that I read in English as if it were my mother tongue and I have discovered what I enjoy reading, and this is what I want for my students.


  1. Hi, Esther!
    I agree with you that the people in the pictures seem to be having a good time, and that’s something relatable for me too. I also find it surprising when students say they don’t enjoy reading, but they probably didn’t have the same “reading-friendly” environment that you and I had at home. That’s what I think we have to give them from public schools – not exactly sure how :)


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