Timetoast Task


The main objective of these activities are the following:

  • To understand the main ideas of a text about a biography.
  • To summarise the text choosing the most important events.
  • To work in groups.
  • To be able to use Timetoast to post your work.
  • To learn about important women's life and their contribution to our society.

This activity has many advantages.  On the one hand, students read a text in a different way.  Their attention is not focused on the reading itself, but on the group work.  I think it is different because they prefer to do a task rather than only read a text.  Moreover, they collaborate with each other and they help each other in order to do the project.  Finally, I think the use of technology is very attractive for them, so they are motivated and once they see their final product, it is rewarding.

The steps I would follow (I couldn't do it in class):

  • First, I would think about the main topic and look for the appropriate texts.
  • Then, I would edit the texts for my students.
  • I would divide the class into groups of 3 and I would hand out the biographies.   Each group would work with 4-5 different biographies.
  • My students would work in groups.  They would summarise the main events in relation to our topic: these women's contribution to society.
  • Then, students would create their own Timetoast and they would send a link to my email.
  • Finally, I would post all the Timetoast projects on my blog to see them in class and I would ask them questions about their classmates' tasks.

As I wrote below, I couldn't do this project in class but I think one of the main problems when students work in groups is that they waste their time talking and they don't use all their time working.  To solve this problem, I set small tasks for each lesson and I move from group to group checking their progress.
On the other hand, another problem they could have is using Timetoast.  As we have laptops in my secondary school, I would use one lesson to explain to them the use of the program and to solve any possible problem.

I believe students would feel motivated with this type of work, but an idea I had after designing the activity was that this task would be better if they chose their own women and then, I would look for the biographies.

Finally, I would say that this tool is good for reading because they have to read some texts and understand them in order to do their project.  Furthermore, they have to read their classmates' projects.  And as doing these activities, they learn about what these important women did to change the world.
