I have created this task for these days students are working at home.  I have chosen authentic material, a video taken from Youtube.  The video was long but I have cut two parts of the video for my students, taken into account that they are studying 2nd ESO.
     In class, we studied vocabulary related to crime and the past simple and past continuous, so I consider these two points a Pre-task they did to be able to work with these two videos.
     The task they have to do now is to go to Edpuzzle, enter the class code  I'm going to give them in my blog to join my class and there, they have to do the activities of the videos at home.  I will receive their answers to check their skills.
     Once they do the activities with the video, they have to write a similar riddle and send it to my email account using the vocabulary and the grammar point we worked in class.  When we go back to school, I would like to do this activity in an interactive way.  They will tell the riddle to their classmates and they will try to solve it.
     The links to the videos are the following:
    The learning objectives are the following:
- To revise the content we have worked in class.
- To understand the main ideas of a video dealing with riddles.
- To work in an autonomous way.
- To write a riddle.
- To speak and interact with classmates about this topic.

     I think the activity is fun and motivating and my students will like it.  They will like to test their abilities as detectives, but one possible problem they can have is that some students have a low level of English and it could be difficult for them.  Moreover, it is an activity they have to do in the Internet, and they could have access problems.
    A way of improving the activity would be to do it in class in real time, I mean, to give them the task in class, to explain to them how to join the class with Edpuzzle and in the next session, comment their results and do the interactive activity I explained before.
