Genially Project

     First of all, I would like to apologise because I couldn't do this project in class.  But I would like to say this type of project is an activity I usually do with my students in 3rd year ESO although they use another tool, the one they choose (power point, prezi...)
     In order to experience how this tool works, I have created the final product my students would have to do:

- The first step would be to divide the class into groups of 2-3 people.  I would let them choose their group but be responsible for the people they choose.

- Then, I would explain the topic: 
You work for a travel agency and you want the class to travel with you.  So, you are going to prepare a travel for us for four days to an English speaking country.  You have to:
  • Give general information about the country.
  • Give information about the hotel.
  • Plan four days there.  
  • Talk about typical dishes and typical customs.
  • Include questions, quizzes, or any other activity to interact with the audience.
  - Then I would show students how Genially works to do the project and I would also look for a tutorial for them to watch.  I would give them freedom to choose the modality they want.

-  We would work with the project in five sessions in class.  Here we have the main problem of our task since the laptops in my secondary schools are usually taken by the ICT teacher so we would work with them when possible and with students' mobile phones.

-  During the lesson, I would set small objectives for each class to make students progress and I would check their work and I would help them.  One thing I usually do is to help them with pronunciation and to insist on the importance of checking it before presenting the project.

-  Taking into account the five sessions plus the time they need to prepare the oral presentation, I would set a date to present the project in class.

-  At the end, once all the groups do their project, I would give them an assessment questionnaire for self-assessment and group assessment and we would vote for the travel agency we would hire.  I would consider their answers together with my mark.  

-  I use iDoceo as my Teacher's Notebook and this is the rubric I usually use, depending on the project and/or level, I sometimes modify it:

     I think using such an appealing tool to do the project is an advantage, a way of motivating students and make them try to create a good work.  As I said at the begining, I usually work Power Point or Prezi, but Genially is undoubtedly the best.  I hope I could do a similar project soon.


  1. I really like the activities you have presented and I can see that you have a wide. knowledge about working online with your students.
    Just one thing that can make your posts better: in each post, try to have something visually catchy such as a picture or video, this would make your blog more attractive.
    I love the appearance of the posts like flashcards in the main page, great work!
    Ana García


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