
My favourite activity and the one which has inspired me is the Storyjumper carried out by Auria.  Here is a link:

     Creating that type of work and having an online book is an excellent activity and I think it could be rewarding when you see the final product.  As we teachers and students are working online these days, I'm going to assign my students this task, to create a story with Storyjumper.

     I'm going to post this task on the blog I share with my students.
     First, they are going to see this tutorial:

       I'm going to show them some examples created by other students.
      Then, I'm going to tell them that my child is really bored at home so I need some stories to entertain him.  They have to became Story Tellers and artists.
      I'm going to invite them to see how Storyjumper works, the tools they have there to find inspiration and then, write a story:
     Before creating the book, I'm going to tell them to send the story to my email so I can correct it and then, once they have the corrections, create the book and send me the final product.

