Pixton Task


     In our current situation, I couldn't do this task with my students but I'm going to describe how I would do it and I am going to create my own project to experience how this tool works.

     The first step would be to divide the students into groups of 3.  I would let them choose their own group and be responsible for the people they choose.
     Then I would explain they have to write a comic strip with Pixton.  In a class with a digital board, I would show my students how to work with this tool with a video.
     In order to carry out this task, they would work in class to decide the following points:
- Plot
- Place/Places
- Time
- Characters that appear in their comic strip.  They have to describe the characters physically and what they are wearing.
     In this session, I would go around to check their work and help them.  When I do this type of work, I always take notes about students' work in each session to make them use the time in class advantageously.   
     In the next session, once they have considered these points, they would think about all the strips they need to do the project, the background for each strip, the number of characters in each scene and the dialogues.  I would advise my students to draw a draft to help them design their comic strip.  This process would take 2-3 sessions.
     After that, when they are ready to work with Pixton, I would tell them to do the task with their group as homework and we post their work in my blog for all the students to read. 
     The learning objectives would be:
-  To work in group in a cooperative way.
-  To write and design a comic strip.
-  To be able to use Pixton, a web tool, to create your final product.
-  To use English as the language of communication with your group.
     My students love comics and I think this activity would be really motivating.  Furthermore, as the main topic is free, they can write a story about things they like and the use of this tool that offers so many options (characters, settings...) is quite engaging.
     Finally, when I make my students work in groups, I always give them an assessment questionnaire for self-assessment and group assessment.
     An idea we could use with this experience is to take part in a class contest with some prizes for the best comic strips so that they would feel more inspired or put together all the comics and create our own magazine.
